Two cooks in the same kitchen is never a good idea. The progression of our model using different lofts was difficult at best. The requested changes were modified and disagreement ensued. The concept engineering seemed to proceed under its own direction. Our requests were not being heard. The chain of command had been broken.
The third strike was a fastball right down the middle. Needless to say, it was not hit. The consulting firm appeared to be designing their own iron. I did not have the time nor patience to continue down this path. No fault of either party, the lack of communication sealed the fate of our first engineering firm. We needed to make a change.
Instead of starting from a computer screen we bypassed many of the communication issues by building an “old school” model prior to providing input to our next partner.
The "tried and true" modeling technique supplemented by computer-aided design (CAD) created a hybrid of both old and new techniques meant to address the very basic issue of all interactions, communication.
The first epoxy resin models were patterned after our original iron blueprints with three clubs highlighting the intended progression. Many hours of cutting, milling and sanding produced the first prototypes of our new club. This combined with our basic blueprints, presented a clear and concise direction to follow. We got our second wind.
Now, we had to take advantage of it.
© EQUSGolf 2016
“The strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.”
Regaining momentum after a nine month hiatus was difficult at best. To break the boredom and monotony of the standard micro-management, of a newly acquired heart, was a challenge. Momentum is a fleeting force. We had it, we lost it and just like that the outcome to our iron development project was in jeopardy.